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Humboldt Kolleg

Multidisciplinarity in Modern Science
for the Benefit of Society
an open workshop


September 21-22, 2017


The purpose of this workshop was to take advantage of the multidisciplinarity in the modern science and to bring together scientists from various research disciplines and countries (i.e., Moldova and Germany as well as neighbouring countries) in order to discuss the latest developments in the research fields situated at the border of multiple scientific areas. Young researchers and well–known scientists had the possibility to meet and talk as well as initiate scientific projects for further application for funding to Alexander von Humboldt Foundation or other German or EU programs.

The workshop included plenary talks by well-known researchers in various multidisciplinary areas as well as invited and contributed talks on specific border research topics. A poster section was organized as well. This Humboldt-Kolleg mainly focused on multidisciplinarities involving the following research topics:

  • Nanotechnologies: present and future,
  • Quantum dynamics and quantum technologies,
  • New materials and applications.

The workshop was organized by the Institute of Applied Physics with the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

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Supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Why multidisciplinary ?

There is a common belief that multidisciplinarity is a trend specific especially for the last century. However, even few centuries ago, when well-established and considered complete classification of scientific and science-related fields of activity were commonly accepted, the greatest advances in science and technology were made due to people having expertise in several domains. The frequent needs of similar multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches led to the formation of new domains of science, like for instance, electro-chemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology etc. The spectacular emergence of new disciplines and domains of activities and the expansion of their boundaries have given an impetus to the development of new technologies connecting natural sciences, informatics and medicine. Through a series of breakthroughs in both fundamental and applied research, the corresponding scientific disciplines are now intensively developed. Therefore, multidisciplinary studies are characteristic for various kinds of large-scale research programs, aimed to solve scientific problems of different complexity involving experts in more than one discipline. Usually, for such research programs, scientific specialists from different research institutions or universities are requested to exchange information and benefit from such collaborations. If, for instance, we would consider the Republic of Moldova then one can observe a clear division of human and other type of resources between institutions, belonging to mostly-educational or mostly-scientific institutions. Therefore, joining the common efforts from these institutions possessing expertise in different scientific domains will be a good research potential. Similarly, the common resources of the educational and research institutions, and the enterprise sectors would have a practical potential as well. Thus, multidisciplinarity in the modern science means a strong cooperation of specialists from different domains and from different institutions, and - quite important - from various countries. Supporting the multidisciplinary and international cooperation and activities can not be conceived without frequent meetings of scientists/experts via different scientific manifestations (conferences, workshops). The multidisciplinary science in the modern world can be sustained and developed only by providing opportunities for scientists to share their experience, to present each other their current achievements and, why not, making proposals for multidisciplinary cooperation for attracting various national or international funding.


Through cooperation to the future

Besides the interdisciplinar cooperation, we sincerely hope that this workshop helped researchers from our Countries, i.e., Republic of Moldova and Federal Republic of Germany, etc., to know each other better and to benefit from the exchange of knowledge. Also we expected to involve young researchers in the workshop discussions, and to familiarize them with research opportunities offered by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and Germany in general. The Humboldt Kolleg on Multidisciplinarity in Modern Science was a place to go!

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